
Creating a Culture Where Employees Talk to You Before Quitting

Creating a Culture Where Employees Talk to You Before Quitting

Employee turnover is a part of doing business. However, when an employee leaves, especially a strong performer, it can have a big impact on your company. Perhaps they want more flexibility or advancement than what your company can provide. Or, maybe there are issues with the culture or leadership you’re not aware of.  
The good news is that – if it’s the latter – an open, honest culture can help you find out if an employee is unhappy before they quit. This will enable you to take steps to resolve the situation and avoid losing a top performer. Here’s where to start.

Can Your Employees Communicate with You?
Communicate with your people. 

In general, aim to communicate regularly with your people. Checking in with your employees each week to talk about projects, struggles, challenges, and successes. This will give them an opportunity to fill you in, so you can learn about problems before they escalate. Also, make sure you have an open-door policy so they feel comfortable coming to you with any concerns.  
Set up a private time to talk to each one. 

You might have a formal performance evaluation process in place. But this doesn’t necessarily encourage employees to discuss their problems or concerns. Plus, if it’s only once a year, then it’s not often enough to uncover problems that can affect retention.  
Instead, meet with each worker individually on an informal basis. You can check in with them during the day, take them out for lunch or coffee, or make sure you have weekly meetings. Whatever works for you, these private conversations will create a more casual setting for important conversations. 
Listen and show empathy. 

If your employee opens up, you might feel defensive about their thoughts or criticisms. But try to keep your emotions in check. Instead, listen, ask questions, and show empathy and that you’re seeking to understand what’s going on. Not only will this help you get the information to resolve any problems they’re facing, but help you forge a stronger relationship in the long run. 
Take action. 
If your employee comes to you with a problem, you have to take action. Otherwise, you’ll lose their trust. So, make sure you’re not just saying the right things but actually working with them to take care of issues and overcome them. Remember, your actions will speak louder than your words.  
Need help filling a recent vacancy?  
If you’ve dealt with recent turnover and need help filling an opening, turn to Gill Staffing. We’re one of West Michigan’s leading staffing agencies and can work with you to send talented, qualified candidates that are a fit for your team. You can focus on other business priorities while we keep your company optimally staffed. Simply contact us today to learn more.